Poszewka na poduszkę Purpura Oleska Porfirogeneta


Poszewka na poduszkę Purpura Oleska Porfirogeneta 45cmx45cm

Purple is a timeless color. So it happens that it harmonizes with gold extremely well.

John III Sobieski – was born On August 17 1629. According to byzantine tradition in the Olesko castle there was a special purple room. An ancient term porphyrogenitus – born in purple – was reserved for the highest aristocracy. The little child was placed on a huge marble table in the Purple Room…..and the table cracked. Thus the prophecy – that the giant was born. The prophecy was fulfilled.


Nasze poduszki (45cm x 45cm) szyjemy z materiału tkanego we wzory dawnych pasów kontuszowych z XVIII wieku.

There is a large flower design on one side and a striped floral design on the reverse side of each pillow.

The fabric is made of natural fiber (viscose) mixed with some synthetic fibers. Pillows have a hidden zipper along one of the edges.

The filler can be ordered separately.




Additional information

Dimensions 45 × 45 cm